True Horizon Bouquet


Like the sun on the horizon, this pure white bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies offers hope and inspiration after the loss of a loved one.

White hydrangea, white roses, white oriental lilies, white snapdragons, and white stock are arranged with huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, spiral eucalyptus, green ti leaves, and lemon leaf. This lovely funeral tribute design is hand delivered in a modern heritage pot.

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Like the sun on the horizon, this pure white bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies offers hope and inspiration after the loss of a loved one.

White hydrangea, white roses, white oriental lilies, white snapdragons, and white stock are arranged with huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, spiral eucalyptus, green ti leaves, and lemon leaf. This lovely funeral tribute design is hand delivered in a modern heritage pot.

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Like the sun on the horizon, this pure white bouquet of hydrangea, roses and lilies offers hope and inspiration after the loss of a loved one.

White hydrangea, white roses, white oriental lilies, white snapdragons, and white stock are arranged with huckleberry, seeded eucalyptus, spiral eucalyptus, green ti leaves, and lemon leaf. This lovely funeral tribute design is hand delivered in a modern heritage pot.