Sweet Bud Vase
Small vase arrangement that combines the timeless charm of roses and carnations with the cuddly sweetness of a teddy bear. Peeking out is a soft and cuddly teddy bear, ready to offer comfort and companionship. A heartfelt gift that brings smiles and warmth to any space, reminding your loved ones of your enduring love and support.
Small vase arrangement that combines the timeless charm of roses and carnations with the cuddly sweetness of a teddy bear. Peeking out is a soft and cuddly teddy bear, ready to offer comfort and companionship. A heartfelt gift that brings smiles and warmth to any space, reminding your loved ones of your enduring love and support.
Small vase arrangement that combines the timeless charm of roses and carnations with the cuddly sweetness of a teddy bear. Peeking out is a soft and cuddly teddy bear, ready to offer comfort and companionship. A heartfelt gift that brings smiles and warmth to any space, reminding your loved ones of your enduring love and support.