Blushing Lilies Bouquet
Like springtime in Paris, this flirtatious topiary makes romance bloom! She'll adore the pale pink lilies, a pretty pink ribbon, and charming french country pot as well as the loving sentiment that comes with it! Pink Asiatic lilies are arranged into a topiary bouquet surrounded by a base of light pink carnations, variegated pittosporum and white statice.
Containers may vary, but are similar in style.
Like springtime in Paris, this flirtatious topiary makes romance bloom! She'll adore the pale pink lilies, a pretty pink ribbon, and charming french country pot as well as the loving sentiment that comes with it! Pink Asiatic lilies are arranged into a topiary bouquet surrounded by a base of light pink carnations, variegated pittosporum and white statice.
Containers may vary, but are similar in style.
Like springtime in Paris, this flirtatious topiary makes romance bloom! She'll adore the pale pink lilies, a pretty pink ribbon, and charming french country pot as well as the loving sentiment that comes with it! Pink Asiatic lilies are arranged into a topiary bouquet surrounded by a base of light pink carnations, variegated pittosporum and white statice.
Containers may vary, but are similar in style.